1. "じゃんけん"再生するには、"サイコロ"と"コイン"をスローするようにシミュレートするために設計された
2. 年会やパーティーラッキードロー
3. プロダクトマーケティングモデルは、ビジネスのために作られた、または確率ラッキードローを必要とする人されます
Lucky Draw Software is designed for Annual Meeting or Party Lucky draw; Product Marketing Model, is made for business, or who need probability Lucky Draw; and simulating to throw "Dice" and "Coin", to play "Rock, Scissors, Paper".
you can go to Apple Store to buy a adapter, then project Lucky Draw Software content on screen display.
1. Support to setting draw rule for Annual Meeting or Party Lucky draw.
* Support to import lottery people form ".txt"
* Support to edit/delete/insert/update lottery people
* Support to store every Lucky Draw result, and you can edit/delete/share/export result.
* Support to set how many rounds of prizes
* Support to set the name of prizes and default to set first/second etc prizes
* Support to set how many people win prizes
* Support to set whether lucky draw from all people. Grand Prize, Maybe you want to draw a prize from all people of Lottery pool
* Support to offer a Annual Meeting Lucky Draw Music, when Awards ceremony is coming.
2. Product Marketing Model.
* Probability Lucky Draw.
* Setting prize name, prize probability, prize amount, prize remaining amount.
* Setting marketing research, it support to input 10 DIY research, and support to export marketing research to use by PC.
* prize probability accurate to 0.01%(1/10000).
* Lucky Draw log.
* Setting Check.
3. Simulate throwing "Dice" and "Coin". Analyse the thrown result.
4. Simulate playing "Rock, Scissors, Paper". Analyse the played result.
Use Cases: Product Marketing Model,
Mr Zhou is a businessman, who want to make many people to know his produce. he advocate product marketing activities in the street. using his iPad to download this app, setting awards name, awards probability, need people to input some information. when activity is begin, every participator use iPad to fill in marketing research one by one, then make a Lucky Draw to get a award. After activity, he can export marketing research. Thank the idea of Mr Zhou.
Targeted to the person:
1. This is a well-known chess games higher, Thinking back childhood partners with small parabolic flight playing dice game of the scenarios also remember? Maybe you can throw 10000 dice and play the game very quickly.
2. Annual Meeting or Party Lucky draw.
3. Use this software to play "Rock, Scissors, Paper" with other guy, I think they much think about you are Crazy, Popular, Computer da. and if this software win, i am sure you and opponent must be surprised.
4. who want to throw "Dice" and "Coin" to make a decision.
Finally, i really cautioned you not to use this software to make a important decision.
Maybe one day, the computers will rule the human? just using this software to have fun day.
Copyright © 2012-2013 ZhuYangJun([email protected]).
All Rights Reserved.
*This app is really fun and easy to use. 5 stars
*Very useful App!!